Life | 阳光、湿气、棕榈树催促着解放,氤氲出海滨城市的氛围
Life系列是设计师CHEN YIYUAN回归故里出的一款系列。阳光、湿气、棕榈树催促着解放,氤氲出海滨城市的氛围。
青绿色、姜黄色、宝蓝色等色彩融入珐琅材质成为雀跃的符号,流苏摇曳在波点之中渲染出春风化雨的意境。 轻盈的不规则形状是儿时喜欢在水渍上勾勒的图腾,瓶型的淬炼是一幅临摹作品莫兰迪的分身…首饰于佩戴者是另一幅脸庞,对设计师是隐而不宣的无声潜台词。洋洋洒洒地我们耗费大部分的青春去北漂,才发现,家乡的倒影依旧深深刻印在脑海里里。
The Life Collection is the first collection of designer CHEN YIYUAN's. Sunshine, moisture and palm trees urge liberation and enchant the atmosphere of a coastal city.
Turquoise, ginger, sapphire blue and other colours into the enamel material become a caper symbol, tassel swaying in the wave point in the rendering of the artistic conception of rain.
The light and irregular shape is a totem drawn on water stains in childhood as well as the quenching of bottle shape reminds the first reproduction of Giorgio Morandi's painting in art school.
Jewellery for the wearers are another faces, while for the designer is a silent and undeclared subtext. We spend most of our youth to away from home, but only to find that the hometown is still a reflection deeply engraved in our mind.
life is not only a story , but life is a real masterpiece.